President Al-Mashat chairs a meeting of the Board of Directors of SCMCHA.
His Excellency Field Marshal Mahdi Al-Mashat, Chairman of the Supreme Political Council, chaired today a meeting of the Supreme Council’s Board of Directors for SCMCHA.
During meeting, President Al-Mashat stressed the importance of matching SCMCHA’s plan and programs with the state’s plans and programs in order to avoid repetition, achieve a fair distribution of services to the various districts, and prioritize disadvantaged areas based on studies and surveys .
He emphasized the significance of developing partnerships with donors through clear, deliberate, and productive programs that address both the real needs of society and the objectives of donors.
President Al-Mashat emphasized the importance of completing all studies and agreements within the agreed-upon time frames and according to the funding plan.
President Al-Mashat also considered SCMCHA to be the only portal for cooperation with organizations, and execution is the responsibility of the relevant authorities, each within its field competence